Should I use microphones for my on site ceremony?

Should I use microphones for my on site ceremony?


18582473 Microphones for your on site ceremony??
This year about half of the weddings we will DJ/MC at will have their ceremony at their function hall. One question the “on site ceremony” Bride and Groom will want to ask themselves is, should we use microphones for the ceremony? If your ceremony is in a private garden with little to no wind and your guest count is under 50, microphones are probably not necessary. If you decide to amplify your Ceremony I recommend up to 3 microphones. First, a lapel mic on your Justice of the Peace or Minister will ensure your guests follow along with your ceremony and don’t get bored wondering what’s happening. Second, a lapel mic on the Groom will pick up the Bride and Grooms vows keeping all wedding guests in on the intimacy of the newlywed’s commitment to each other. Finally a wireless hand held mic on a stand can be used if there are any readings, poems, songs, or words to be spoken by anyone other than the officiant, Bride and Groom. Having said that…for some people, shyness about having their voice heard over a microphone can be issue, if you feel that being mic’d is going to make you nervous or worse then just pass on the mic’s . Your comfort and happiness should come first, your guests will understand.